Our Services
Parents and Team Mentorship
Our Parents and Team Mentorship Program was a huge success since we had a few parents who were identified as vulnerable groups- parents in low-income families and parents who are visible minorities. This program directly involved an interactive parent engagement session using our experienced facilitator, parent orientation, take-away booklet, mentorship training, ongoing communication with parents and mentors, and biannual family events with refreshments. Our facilitators were able to address a unique set of psychological, behavioral, and emotional obstacles that impacted quality parenting. For parents with concerns, they were referred and linked to appropriate institutions for follow-up. The program also addressed important issues like socioeconomic cultural understanding amongst Nigerian Canadian parents.
At the end of the program, the parent engagement and orientation programs were well received, parents felt the program was impactful and their overall knowledge and skill about parenting increased and the parents had a sense of belonging.
Fundamental Skills to Soccer
The Fundamental Skills to Soccer program is a youth based program that aims to make soccer for youth more accessible, fun and safe for players of any age or skill level while reaching other areas of their lives. This program focused on developing the main fundamental skills in soccer such as passing, shooting, shielding, dribbling, trapping, tackling, and goal keeping. These skills were assigned to youth based on their interest. This program took place in Summer 2019 and it was fully run by volunteers. It focused on empowering 30 youths between age 4-11 during their summer break in 2019.
This program was particularly impactful because the youth were able to develop other skills apart from soccer technical skills. These are collaborative skills, time management, team building and interpersonal skills. We provided light refreshments, water, snacks and first aid to the
Youth Skills Development Workshop
We had an amazing Youth Workshop that involved a wide array of activities involving 25
Nigerian Canadian youth and 10 immigrant youths in Canada. These activities include Choosing a Career Path, skills anticipation and matching, mini STEM workshop, networking, web designing and soft skills like Time Management, Teamwork, Collaboration, and transparency. The workshop was very impactful and interactive as the youth were so engaged especially in the breakout sessions we had. The highlight of the workshop for the youths’ present was the Keynote Speaker who initiated a passion for impact through their careers, accessing labour market, anticipating skills required per job sector and how to acquire them.
Kick Out Hunger
Our Kick Out Hunger Program directly provided the clients within our communities (especially the most vulnerable population) cooked food and groceries in an efforts to alleviate hunger. Through our Kick Out Hunger Program, we distributed food and groceries to over 50 clients in pre-packed boxes or sometimes through a farmers market-style distribution where clients choose to take what they need based on what we have available.
The Kick Out Hunger Program basically expanded the capacity of making food more accessible in vulnerable groups and communities where people within low family income. This food program provided rescued food and grocery products - including meat, produce, household needs and baked goods - to people more quickly and flexibly. Hence, bridging the gaps identified with accessibility to food banks.
Community Champions
Nigerian Canadian Community and Sports Development created a ground-breaking approach towards youth empowerment and family support programs amongst Nigerian Canadians and other immigrants present. This program transformed these marginalized communities through improved accessibility to post-secondary education, quality leadership development and academic success. In executing this project, we worked with various community partners, academic institutions, school boards, a couple of diverse mentors from different backgrounds. We are determined to break the cycle of poverty through the development of educational pathways and community empowerment.